Take a deeper look to find balance Omega 6 to Omega3


Science’s new deeper look at balance involves the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids. Discover if your ratio is balanced with Zinzino’s BalanceTest, and then  enjoy our BalanceOil and BalanceShake to help adjust your omega 6:3 ratio to optimal levels for balance.

Balance Your Body, Live Your Potential

A car needs fuel and oil to operate. It is exactly the same for our bodies – they need the right ingredients to function optimally. Drink water, yes! Exercise, yes! Eat healthily, yes! We do our best, but what new discovery is science revealing?


An Emerging Awareness

Our food systems and diet have changed over the last 60 years in one fundamentally harmful way. Scientists and health authorities increasingly have begun to sound the alarm about the imbalance in our fatty acid intake ~ specifically the excessive consumption of omega-6 (plant oils and modern processed foods) vs. omega-3 fatty acids (from fatty fish and traditional foods).

Balance vs. Imbalance

Balance refers to the ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids. Both omega-6 and omega-3 are essential to vital functions in our bodies. The problem is the imbalance created by changes in our diet. Too much omega-6 creates imbalance. Too little omega-3, specifically bio-available EPA and DHA, creates imbalance. Before 1960 the ratio of omega 6:3 in the western world was 4:1 or less. Leading health authorities (including the Norwegian Ministry of Health) recommend a ratio of 5:1 or less to be in balance. Today in Europe the average is 15:1, and often 25:1 or greater in the USA. Even those taking Omega-3 supplements are not in balance showing ratios of 20:1 and 7:1 in the USA and Europe, respectively. Even the most health-conscious people are discovering they are out of balance.

How Can I Know if I Am Balanced?

take a test, lern more about balance test : https://www.zinzino.com/zinzino-balance-en/zinzino-balance-test-en/

Zinzino Balance Products

With our Zinzino Balance assortment, you get sufficient Omega-3 to adjust your balance within just 120 days. We have put a strong focus on the products’ taste so that they can become a natural part of your daily diet! The products also contain other nutrients that are good for the body.

Feal free to contact with me via [email protected]  or by phone +37129495658 .

You are welcome use the  internetshop (use your own language) www.izinzino.com/2002347257  

sincerely yours:

Egita Sproge.